Saturday 29 June 2024

Fingermouse Theme

"I am the mouse called fingermouse
the mouse with guts and verve

I get past cats so easily
with my famous body-swerve"

I was watching an episode of Fingerbobs and this great folk-y Fingermouse theme tune came on. Then I thought how was this missed in the 00s when all those British kids telly things became all the rage and they reissued the soundtracks and dvds of the programs etc.  

Fingermouse Theme - Michael Jesset, Michael Cole and Rick Jones (1972)
Turns out Trunk did a cd reissue in 2011 which I can now pay $57 for on discogs. 

Anyway, top tune.  


  1. Love Fingermouse!

    Along with the Fingermouse ditty, there's also the Scampi song

  2. Crikey, I forgot about the Tortoise song (at the end of this 'characters'/song-themes round up)

    "as long as i get there / why worry? / what's the hurry" - I used to sing that whenever I was taking my time doing something, only half-remembering where it came from

  3. Flash's Theme (Tortoise song) is a total slacker jam.
