Saturday 6 February 2021

Lo Five - God's Waiting Room

This new Lo Five tape was released on Friday but I goddamn missed out again as it sold out pretty quick sticks. Living in the Antipodes doesn't help with these things. No need to worry though because God's Waiting Room is available on digital at Miracle Pond Records bandcamp page and it sounds so top rankin once again. That's like three choice albums in 6 months. They are on a roll and sounding fresh with each new release. Their two albums from last year The Art Of Living & TONIC featured high in my end of year lists. Lo Five have become integral to the UK's esoteric underground present, future and past. They're showing great signs of lovely, eerie, elated, creaky, solitary and weird goodness. This is the music of mysterious dreams, intergalactic rainy days and mid morning misty knolls. I recommend wrapping your ears around this immediately! 

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