Showing posts with label Mathew Young. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mathew Young. Show all posts

Saturday, 23 March 2013

100 Secret Rock Albums of the 80s

I've got to say I'm Impressed by Woebot's 80s list. There are 10 artists I've never even heard of. Of the 33 records he specially recommends I only own 9. There is one worry in the Goth category, that's Sisters Of Mercy's Floodland. Is that a joke? Then there is Thin White Rope's Moonhead which is in the highly recommended category. This is an LP I expected to love when I heard it, maybe 3 years after it was released and was shocked that I couldn't stand it. I must admit I've recently thought I should give it another go. Hey Woebot how secret can a Police LP be? Is this in the hiding in plain sight category. Hey Man Without Shame Rapeman's Two Nuns And A Pack Mule gets a recommend. Is it becoming a cult internet record all of a sudden? It's had 2 mentions in 1 week!

Here's the unknown 10 (well as it turns out only 5 are unknown artists).

??? Just saw this was produced by Philip Glass!

Turns out this is Charles Hayward's post This Heat
project. Who knew?  Gotta check this out.

Turns out this is Gil Trythall who I do know and actually
own a few of his records including the title track of this
 LP which I think was recorded in 1973. 
Bill Laswell & Rammellzee. Bootsy on da bass on
one track.
This is a Bill Laswell project with Manu Djbango
amongst others.
Electronic Canadians apparently.
French bloke.
Arthur Russell plays cello on this and Pete was the
trombone man on many of Russell's trax.
Disco dude.
I wanna hear this one