Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Knife Party

So I've been listening to Knife Party's Rage Valley EP. All these words have have been going through my head: EDM, Brostep, The Zone Formerly Known As Dubstep, Mentasm, Rave, 90s, Belgian Hardcore, DJ Excel, Acen, Big Beat, Omni Trio, Electro, Just When You Thought It was Safe, Trip II The Moon, Nowtro etc........

Both of these from Rage Valley EP 2012

This is from '92

This is from 1994.

Can you believe this is from1991?!
That's 21 years ago!

This is from 1991 as well!

*Just how now is Nowtro?
Me suspects not very.

**This doesn't necessarily make Knife Party a bad combo. I really enjoy them a lot. It makes them for example akin to something like The Stems in the 80s. They were a fantastic 60s influenced Australian rock band who were very enjoyable in much the same way Knife Party are. We knew the Stems were like 60s bands and even knew they loved The Yardbirds, The Electric Prunes, Creedence, The Easybeats, The Standells, stuff off The Ugly Things comps (Australia's Nuggets if you like), Nuggets etc. This did not take anything away from them, in fact I still think they are brilliant to this day. They were beyond pastiche and mere referencing. Whether Knife Party stand up 20 years down the track is a moot point really. Maybe this is what they mean by Nowtro. I'm enjoying them for now. If they still stand up in 20 years that's a bonus but who really cares. Now is what it's all about.

***I guess this is supposed to be a presentation on where Knife Party are coming from. I know I've used a couple of these clips before but I felt it necessary for the context of this piece.

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