Tuesday 16 July 2024

Preservation Act 1 - The Kinks

Sweet Lady Genevieve - The Kinks (1973)
Speaking of harmonica on outlier fan favourite records, how about this number from the 1973 Kinks record Preservation Act 1. I mean the following year's Preservation Act 2 is the real Kinks outlier but you know critics hated the fairly accessible Act 1 as well. 

Sweet Lady Genevieve is an absolute Kinks classic. 

Sitting In The Midday Sun - The Kinks (1973)
But wait this one might even be better. The great slacker jam of all time innit. 

It's my absolute anthem. Although as opposed to Ray Davies saying he's sitting in the midday sun for no particular purpose I have a very specific purpose whilst doing it. I've recovered from my ailments recently mostly by sitting in the midday sun every day. For years I was just resigned to the reality that I was just going to be perpetually ill and in a state of malaise and spiritual demise, much like Charles Darwin was for many years, for the rest of my life. But this sunshine lark has been an absolute winner. I'm sometimes spending over four hours every day in the sun. Luckily I live in one of the sunniest regions in Australia. So even in the middle of winter I'm still getting a lot of sunshine in my life. It has made everything so much better. As the song goes along you actually realize Ray does see particular benefits and purposes of lazing in the midday sun too. Getting off anti-depressants, doing daily exercise, eating more eggs, meat & veggies and cutting back on carbs has also helped. Don't get sucked into the trauma/therapy/psychology/big pharma complex, they are cultivating weakness moreover want you sick and not thriving. Soon every aspect of our personalities will be pathologized. Your existential dilemmas don't need a psychiatric diagnosis. Just Nah! That's my rant. it's probably phobic or racist or sexist or something now that we've reached peak cultural left-ism, fringe bullshit, globalist retardation and poison ideas. 

Daylight - The Kinks (1973)
This too... actually all of Preservation Act 1 is ace. Even on other tracks when it goes into esoteric conceptual prog rock opera territory, it's still Ray Davies and band at the top of their game.

Cricket - The Kinks (1973)
The critics who dislike the music hall aspects of The Kinks don't truly understand the band. Honestly entire records of this absurd comedic jazz would be a splendid things to these ears. Listen a little closer and you realise this a philosophical tune with cricket as the battlefield between good and evil. 

One Of The Survivors -The Kinks (1973)
One of their great rockin tunes. Steve Jones surely lifted some riffage elements here didn't he. This goes as hard as any Iggy, Ziggy, Lobby or Lou tunes of the era. I suppose Johnny Thunders got his name from The Kinks. The character Johnny Thunder, who first appeared on Village Green Preservation Society (1968), is fleshed out further as he makes a reprise appearance here as a greying, overweight old rock'n'roller biker. 

Money And Corruption/I Am Your Man - The Kinks (1973)
I guess you can't really discuss Preservation Act 1 without mention of its centrepiece. This is where the prog-folk theatrical rock opera stylings get an airing. Once you get past the fear of a tune being in that vein you will realise it still beautiful Ray Davies melodies, emotionally poignant, peak storytelling lyrics and a lovely arrangement. 

What could actually be problematic is the subject matter that veers into almost cringe naivety Imagine zones where the narrator in the second half of the song is promising classlessness and yet also great wealth. We all know where all that tragically leads in reality. Then you realise this is a song, a story, and this proposal is being presented by a character by the name of Mr Black who may well be just another charlatan with big promises. 

Mr Black turns up in the second half of the tune after the chorus of the people had been complaining "Money and corruption are ruining the land/Crooked politicians betray the working man" but then the chorus naively sing "Show us a man who'll be our Saviour" instead of just asking for some actual democracy where your hard earned money isn't stolen by corruption, given to undeserving competing victim groups or wasted on retarded governmental programmes/rorts.

I mean this is prescient to this day in the UK. Why are the people being dealt absurd shitful hands where the immigration is so insanely high for housing construction to keep up, not that anyone can afford it once it's built anyway. Setting the population up for failure, a possible collapse and sectarian violence. This isn't just happening in England either it's in Australia, USA etc... back in 1973 it might have seemed possible to get a fair go but 50 years later whatever remaining illusion of democracy has been totally shattered. The globalists, oligarchs, NGOs, multinational mega-corps, deep states etc. are not allowing western democracies to act in their own interests. Our countries don't belong to us and our overlords hate us. Sorry 'bout the bleaknesss... but...

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