Wednesday 10 July 2024

Loverboy - Ariel Pink's Haunted Grafitti

So Glad - Ariel Pink's Haunted Grafitti (2002)
Wait... just checking.... Ariel still a genius. 

Loverboy's so daydreamy/night-dreamy/hallucinatory. All the amorphous intergalactic synth-y seepage//brainwave spillage/melodic rowboats in soda-waves/haunted hypno-fogggy spray-painted air/mixed lolly loitering/unhinged hazy baby psych/glow-y neon phantasms/pop unrealities you could ask for.

*This goes out to those who can't see past their dogmatic ideologically captured media sources. The aesthetic and material properties of AP's music didn't change between 2002 and 2021.

GHost - Areil Pink's Haunted Grafiitti (2002)
One of the great Haunted Grafitti moments. A barmy baroque bee gee barbershop pet sound spirals into glaring off kilter overdrive with added intergalactic Jed Clampett-isms. 

Absolute Ariel anthem.

Let's Get Married Tonight - Ariel Pink's Haunted Grafitti (2002)
A blistering bananas bubblegum psych-pop bonanza. Even the most unlikely, unfathomable and absurd Ariel tunes are pulled off with such aplomb it's hard to deny them. 

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