Saturday 25 May 2024

Black Puppet - Groove Chronicles

Groove Chronicles - Black Puppet [1999]
Classic UKG. 

The kids are reading history in reverse. So some of these children who weren't even born in 1999 call this dubstep. Not something that inspired or influenced dubstep but actual dubstep. This temporal collapse is distorting knowledge. It's a particular pedagogical and epistemic problem that is being applied across the board as seen in debates about slavery where they conveniently leave out of the timeline how the British stopped slavery and poured immense financial and human resources into this incredibly moral endeavour... correct me if I'm wrong I think perhaps sociologist Frank Füredi addresses the problems with reading history wrong and its disastrous consequences... anyway sorry this is a tangent not relevant to this amazing track.

...this was the b-side of their hit 99 with the wibble wobble bass, crisp jittery beat and overall immense dubwise production.   

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